Who Am I?

This is a blog about life. In particular, my life. The question is: why would you want to read about that?
If nothing else , maybe you'll see that you're not the only one muddling your way through life.
So please take some comfort from knowing that I too am an idiot.
Come! Muddle your way through life with me, and we'll be stupid together.

Just For the Heck of It

Our church is going through a book called The Story. It's basically a chronologicalized and abridged version of the Bible. Yes, I just made that word up (it's called writers prerogative). But enough about me - back to The Story.

It's the Bible, but with a lot of the chaff taken out. I know - it's hard to call anything from the Bible chaff. I mean, all Scripture was God breathed and all of that, right? But in this case, the writers basically took the larger chunks of meat from the Bible, and placed it all in chronological order. Kinda cool for a couple of reasons.

First, it's chronological. The advantage of this is that, as in any story, a linear storyline is often more effective than jumping around in time. Plus, the Bible has a lot of duplication in different books. For example, there are four Gospels - all telling the story of Jesus' time here on earth. Yes, the writers of the books all have their different perspectives, and offer meaningful insights that the others miss...yadda yadda yadda. But for the sake of "just tell me the story"-ers out there, they don't need to hear the same thing four times in a row.

Next, it's abridged. No offense, but do I really need to read pages upon pages upon pages upon pages of the lineage of the Israelite nation? So far I haven't found a reason to...but if someone wants to give me a good reason, I suppose I could go try again.

The point is, there is a some stuff in the Bible that one could argue doesn't necessarily need to be read to enhance one's relationship with Christ.

Okay - now that I'm about 300 words into this post, I'm going to actually get to the point I originally wanted to get to. Namely, the Bible has some very compelling stories in it.

I know, I know - you're thinking duh! we all know that! where've you been the last 40 years of your supposed church going-ness life?!?!?  Let me explain. Or at least attempt to.

I was reading about Moses and the great deliverance from Egypt. No wonder Hollywood wants to keep making movies about that part of the Bible! Oppression, divination, plagues, an angel of death, chariots, parting of the sea. Any part of the story is tailor made for Hollywood's ever present desire to show of movie-making-magic. Not to mention the criss-crossing storylines - a slave raised as Pharaohs' son, who is run out of town after committing a murder. Only to find love in the desert, and eventually return to force his once brother now turned Pharaoh to release a multitude of slaves. And the list goes on.

Oh - then there's the drama that happens in the Israelite camp after the Exodus. Thanks God, for bringing us into a desert just to die! And thanks for saving us from the Egyptians. We'll just make a golden calf to worship instead of You.

There's also some pretty interesting stuff that I know would be super interesting, if only I knew what it meant. For example, after all of the plagues, Pharaoh finally agrees to let Israel go. He basically tells Moses to take a hike. But then - get this - he asks Moses to bless him also! Doesn't that just seem a bit audacious to you?

"Moses, your God utterly destroyed my personal divinity, not to mention all of our Egyptian gods. It took the death of my own firstborn son to finally relent and let you and yours go. I'm personally responsible for all of the destructive plagues that ruined my people. So - umm, can you bless me?"

There's probably some simple answer as to why Pharaoh would ask that, like some sort of cultural thing having to do with blessings and whatnot. Even so, I'd like to know. So if anyone knows, or can at least guess, feel free to let me know.

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