Who Am I?

This is a blog about life. In particular, my life. The question is: why would you want to read about that?
If nothing else , maybe you'll see that you're not the only one muddling your way through life.
So please take some comfort from knowing that I too am an idiot.
Come! Muddle your way through life with me, and we'll be stupid together.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Has it really been over a month since I've last posted something?

Uhh...yup. That's pretty sad, isn't it? I wish I had an excuse on why I haven't written anything, but I don't have one. Except maybe just the whole thing called Life: work, eat, family, sleep aaaannd repeat. Oh, throw a little football watching and an occasional movie, and that's life.

I suppose going back to work after having two months off after baby boy No. 2 was born might have had a slight impact on my inability to write a new post.

And then I ask myself, do I really need an excuse? And more importantly, do you even care? Probably not.

The next question is this: what's the point of this post? The answer: I'm not entirely sure (outside of making excuses). Maybe this is just an attempt to delve into the nether regions of my brain and discover why I'm so pathetically NOT a writer.

To use an over-used cliche - if I had a dime for every time I have said I want to be a writer, I'd be rich. Except, there's apparently an addendum to that cliche, one that says I owe a dime for every time I should have written but didn't write. As such, I am most certainly not rich. In fact, I am quite a bit in debt.

Another thing I've said a time or two is that I really wish I could quit my day job and go do a different day job. One that I actually enjoy.

Don't get me wrong! My current job is much better than my former job, and my enjoyment level is much higher than before. However, I am still employed by the same large corporation (just in a different position). And anyone who has spent any time in a large corporation knows how dismal corporate life can be.

I keep telling myself that the problem is I make too much money to quit. I can't keep up with my current bills (or should I say "debt") now, so why would I be able to if I got a job making much less money? Because I'm pretty sure it would be near impossible to find a job that I'd make as much as I do now.

Well..with my current level of motivation, it'd be near impossible. If I found one single ounce of motivation in my pathetic, lazy, good-for-nuthin mind, finding a good job could possibly be possible.

I've often dreamt of finishing a novel, one that went on to be a bestseller. And after I topped the charts, I could quit my day job and write full time. But, as is indicated by the one month hiatus from writing, I'll be 206 before I finish my first novel.

So this post turned out to be a "woe is me" post. I'm sorry to have to put you through that. Although, I don't think I have anything to worry about. Who'd want to read this drivel anyway? But, if for some odd and unforeseeable reason you do like reading this, I do hope to come back and write some more.

Hopefully it won't be over a month later...

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