Who Am I?

This is a blog about life. In particular, my life. The question is: why would you want to read about that?
If nothing else , maybe you'll see that you're not the only one muddling your way through life.
So please take some comfort from knowing that I too am an idiot.
Come! Muddle your way through life with me, and we'll be stupid together.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ugly (But Honest) Display of Ignorance

I probably already said this somewhere in the few posts I've already written, but I'm too lazy to go and look right now: I used to fancy myself a competent computer guy. But I am utterly failing at keeping up with technology.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I have an iPhone 6, a computer, and a tablet. In my real life job, people ask me computer questions all the time, and I sometimes get the right answer. But all in all, my general knowledge of computers is quite lacking. It probably always was, but when I was younger I thought I was smart but was too dumb to realize how not-smart I was.

Anyway - I started this blog with the intent to have an outlet for my desire to be a writer. And since any writing teacher with his (or her (or its)) salt says to write about what you know. Well, I know that my life isn't what I'd imagined it to be growing up. I also know that my life isn't really all that special, but I kinda sorta believe that maybe some people will see how badly I'm screwing up and realize they aren't all that bad off the way they are. And I also know that my brain often goes to places that are so far off track that sometimes I amaze even myself. Plus, I like a good story.

So in my not nearly brilliant brilliance, I decided to write a blog about all of those things at once. One blog, many pages. One blog, multiple tangents. One blog, various themes.

I built the blog and added four pages. The idea was I could write a post, and once it was published, I could slide it onto the page that best fit the content of the post. For example, if I wrote about how pathetic my life currently is, and how I dreamed of the glory days when I was young and stupid (even though I thought I was smart...), I could put that on the Mid-Life Crisis page. Or if I was struck by lightening and pounded out a new chapter in my book, I could post it on the Weed's Writing page.

But (here's where I get to the Ugly (But Honest) Display of Ignorance) only after I completed building the blog and attached pages did I realize that a blog doesn't really work that way. Generally speaking, posts all stay on the main page, and the pages are more static and don't cater to having multiple entries on the same page. As such, my brilliant idea wasn't so brilliant after all.

Woe is me. Just another nail in the proverbial coffin on how I'm not nearly as intelligent as I once thought I was.

That being said, I wonder if there is a way to put different posts on one of the non-main page pages. If anyone knows how, be a good World Wide Web citizen and let me know, will ya?

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